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Uniform and Equipment

Wearing a school uniform helps children identify with a larger group and encourages a sense of belonging.  Our uniform has been selected with needs of the children and parents in mind.  Garments have been selected to be smart, hardwearing and comfortable for active children.

Garments can be purchased from any stores selling school uniform items.  Sweatshirts and other items of clothing that have the school logo can be bought from ‘Casey’s’ in Blackfen.  Follow the link below for their website.


Please ensure every piece of uniform is named with a permanent pen or label. 


Green Sherwood Park sweatshirt or cardigan

Year 6 Grey Varsity jacket

White polo shirt

Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress

Grey or white socks 

Black school shoes-no logos

Summer – Green gingham dress (white bicycle shorts maybe worn under the gingham dress)

Bottled water only for PE and in the classroom

Nursery: Green Tracksuit with the school logo, white polo-shirt and trainers

P.E. Kit

Named school PE bag

White T-shirt with school logo or plain white T-shirt

Green shorts

Indoor plimsolls –  with easy fastenings such as slip on, Velcro etc. 

Outdoor trainers

Plain tracksuit

Swimming - Year 4

Swimming trunks or one-piece swimming costume

Swimming cap (boys and girls)


Other Uniform

Winter coat

Waterproof coat for Spring and Summer

Sun hat, sun cream labelled and water bottle

Forest School clothes - classes will be informed if/when they are taking part in Forest School and what they will need

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